Elemental Things

My life through cycling, running, swimming, reading, writing, and teaching

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Still want to blog

I'm blogging for work now and have really enjoyed it; I'm guaranteed at least . . . four readers when I post there at the ctl.uga.edu blog. I don't think anybody has read any of these, but I've decided that's not going to stop me.

So, among the "elemental things" that I have added since my last post is swimming. I participated in my first sprint triathlon and was 17th in the run, 20 on the bike, and . . . 127th on the swim. So I have a way's to go. And even though I've seen little progress in getting faster since I started in June or so, I feel more comfortable and confident in the water.

So I'm running, biking, swimming, lifting weights, and playing with Zachary.

I feel good.


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