Elemental Things

My life through cycling, running, swimming, reading, writing, and teaching

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Great Plateau

Less than a month before the 2010 ING Georgia Marathon and my long runs have been good, or at least I've been able to do my long runs and more of them, but I don't feel any faster or stronger. I've plateaued. And while the Furman Running Institute says that I should be doing my repeat miles at 6:05, I have two yesterday in a ladder workout the fastest being 6:22. The times on my hill repeats on that monster that is Moss Side Drive have stagnated or even slowed. It could be that I'm overtraining, though I'm still only running three days a week with some cross-training thrown in for good measure--swimming, biking, some weights, stretching. It's frustrating because I've worked hard, been injury-free (besides a nagging Achilles) but I'm not all that confident that I'll be able to break the 3:22:18 I ran in Nashville back in 2006. Maybe I'll feel the results of my training when I get into the taper.


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